We are a church with a passion to see individuals live out extraordinary lives.

Rapha Church is a non-denominational contemporary gospel church. We are passionate about reaching souls for Jesus Christ, and everything we do is about Him. Our focus is on being a dynamic church that reaches out with the love of Christ to those lost and hurting in our community.

Hope + Healing

Rapha, pronounced {raw-fa}, is a Hebrew verb that means to mend by stitching, to cure, to heal, or make whole.
Jehovah Rapha is one of the many Hebrew description of the nature of God. It is literally translated as "The God Who Heals"

Pastor Sam & Marina Mendoza

Samuel and Marina were both born and raised in the Treasure Valley and met at a small church in Nyssa, Oregon. They married in 2016 and welcomed their first child Lucas in 2021. Samuel, a first-generation PK, served for seven years as an assistant pastor alongside his father, and earned his Bachelors in Biblical Studies in 2014. Together with his wife, they have served in various ministries within their local church. Throughout the years, they have faced various challenges and embarked on a journey of healing and restoration, witnessing first-hand the incredible healing power of God.

Our Culture

Presence Driven

Centering our lives and ministry around the tangible presence of God, we seek to cultivate a deep, abiding awareness of His nearness in all we do, allowing His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit to influence our decisions, actions, and relationships.

Authentically Connected

Building authentic relationships within our community and beyond, we strive to create a welcoming and loving environment where people are valued, supported, and empowered to thrive through connection with Jesus and believers.

Compassionately Serving

Inspired by Christ’s example of love and service, we actively seek to meet the needs of those around us by extending compassion, grace, biblical support to individuals and families in our communities.

Courageously Impactful

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we courageously engage with the challenges of our world, advocating for justice, reconciliation, and positive change, and boldly sharing the hope and transformation found in Christ, as we walk in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

Relationally Transformed

Driven by the healing process through Jesus, we seek relational transformation as the driving force behind our impactful actions, courageously sharing the hope and healing found in Christ with the world.

Join Our Launch Team!

We're putting together a dynamic group of individuals to kickstart Rapha Church in this community! While leadership roles are in development, we are actively seeking talented individuals to fill vital positions such as systems administration, kids' ministry coordination, worship leaders, and musical talent.

If you're passionate about making a meaningful Kingdom impact, we invite you to join us!

Visiting Refresh Church in July
Visiting Refresh Church in July
At the park! :)
At the park! :)
Our first Interest Meeting in June
Our first Interest Meeting in June
Some of our awesome team members!
Some of our awesome team members!
And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it...
Matthew 24:14

What We Believe


We believe THE BIBLE is God’s spoken word and is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, it is the inspired and infallible Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe in SALVATION BY GRACE through faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:8)

We believe in ONE GOD who has revealed Himself as our Father, through His Son Jesus, in redemption; and as the Holy  Spirit by emanation (1 John 5:20)

We believe JESUS is the Messiah. He is God in flesh and was born a virgin birth. He is the perfect and spotless sacrifice for our sins, being 100% man and 100% God. (1 Timothy 3:16, Romans 9:5)

We believe in WATER BAPTISM in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins (Acts 2:38)

We believe in the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT which build and sanctify the church. (1 Corinthians 12:1-12)

We believe in DIVINE HEALING which manifests through faith, prayer, and the power of God’s grace. (James 5:14-15)

We believe that we exist ETERNALLY either forever separated from God by sin, or in unity with God through forgiveness and salvation. (Romans 6:23)

We believe that JESUS WILL RETURN SOON (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

Click here to read our full doctrinal statement

Rapha Church is a non-denominational church